fashion collection developement prototype

In the phase of creating your fashion collection, once the pattern, muslins, and possibly 3D modeling are finalized, it’s time to move on to the creation of the first garment, the prototype.

This is a delicate and crucial phase. Certain details and difficulties related to materials and stitching techniques can only be anticipated to a certain extent during the design process. It is during the actual creation of the garment, when working with the material hands-on, that any challenges may arise.

That’s why Crea-Si has always focused on training professionals who can go beyond simple assembly of garment pieces.

Today, the ability to create a prototype relies not only on the technical knowledge required to assemble different components but also on the sensitivity to select the appropriate techniques and sequencing for each specific material.

Our experienced seamstresses, with years of expertise in various types of garments, are accustomed to working with a wide range of fabrics, mastering both delicate and lightweight ones such as silk and lace, as well as more structured materials like cotton and denim.

This is why the synergy between the prototype maker and the pattern maker is of paramount importance to Crea-Si, as it contributes to the continuous improvement of our products and the high-quality service we provide to our customers.


Prototype: Fabric Steaming

In the prototyping process at Crea-Si, once the pattern is finalized, and with agreement from the company, we proceed with fabric steaming. This step is crucial to prevent any shrinkage of the fabric later on.


Prototype: Cutting

The pattern maker, after receiving the materials, provides instructions regarding any cutting constraints. This may include precise placement of patterned prints or aligning stripes or plaids in the seams.

Prototype: Garment Construction

The seamstresses then begin studying the prototype to define the phases and sequencing of the construction process. The prototype is regularly mounted on the dress form for intermediate checks in collaboration with the pattern maker.


Prototype: Quality Control

Once the prototype is completed, rigorous measurement checks are performed to ensure its quality. This quality control process is carried out by the same prototype makers throughout the entire process, as well as upon the completion of the garment to verify its measurements.


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About the Author: Crea-Si